Installing NUT on Ubuntu
I have been using apcupsd for years without issue. Lately, the random freezes lead me to discover that there was an issue been apcupsd and Linux 3.5.x kernels. This left me looking for an alternati...
I have been using apcupsd for years without issue. Lately, the random freezes lead me to discover that there was an issue been apcupsd and Linux 3.5.x kernels. This left me looking for an alternati...
Introduction to fdupes I knew I could use fdupes to identify the dupes, but I wanted to replace them with hardlinks. I’ve seen many bash scripts that pipe the output from fdupes -r to view them. On...
First, let’s grab the packages. apt-get install cryptsetup Then, let’s enable the modules. modprobe dm-crypt modprobe aes Next, let’s use badblocks to identify bad sectors and overwrite the d...
Here’s a quick example to show you. I made a (3) disk RAID5 in VBox with 1GB disks (/dev/sd[bcd]1). Then, I’ll replace each one with 2GB disks (/dev/sd[efg]1). As a sidenote, this is a risky proces...
I started off with 2 existing RAID1 arrays (one for / and one for swap). cat /proc/mdstat Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10] md1 : active raid1 ...