
Website New Look

Website Upgrades

It’s been a long time coming. I have finally updated my website from the custom Ruby on Rails application that I wrote over 5 years ago. At the time, I was doing a ton of Rails development and not much else. Since then, I have still continued to use Rails, but most of my time has been spent on web design and learning new platforms and programming languages. Like many other web developers, the site that is the most out of date is my own. I have failed to do any updates to the site, other than new articles, in a few years.

For most of my new client websites I’m now using WordPress. With it’s plethora of plugins, themes, and easy customization, it was a no-brainer for me to port my site over to it. In the process, I get versioned posts, a responsive website, caching plugins, and a number of other small changes. The only snag I have hit so far is finding an easy way to port all of the comments over from the old site without a TON of manual database work on my part. So, for the time being, the only comments on the site are the new ones. So, thank you to all of you that have been around long enough to see this site change throughout the years!

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